The Cemosis(Centre de Modélisation et de Simulation de Strasbourg), is a structure at the interface of the disciplines and companies requiring modeling and numerical simulation. Cemosis is hosted by the Research Institute of Advanced Mathematics (IRMA) of the University of Strasbourg and was created in January 2013. Its mainly activities including:
In general, Cemosis devotes to model, simulate and resolve difficult problems in real life with numeric methods. Using usually Parallel Computing and High Performance Computing, Cemosis collaborates with enterprises and educational institutions in many projects.
During my internship, I worked on following websites that owned by Cemosis:
Before the work done during my internship, the website is a website hosted on Google Sites. I was assigned to rebuild a new version website with Jekyll
(a static website generator written in Ruby) and to migrate all of its contents into the new one. The new website will be hosted on a dedicated server owned by the Unversity of Strasbourg.