Internship Report

Setup Webhooks As A Upstrat Service With Node.js And Bash Scripts


Install apt packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git nodejs ruby ruby1.9.1-dev npm

Symlink nodejs to node, this is a known issue in Ubuntu.

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

Install npm packages and gems

To avoid path issues, install packages globally.

sudo npm install -g fs
sudo npm install -g express
sudo npm install -g queue-async
sudo npm install -g emailjs
sudo npm install -g crypto

We also need Jekyll and Nginx

sudo gem install jekyll rdiscount json
sudo apt-get install nginx

User creation and user configuration

Create a user called feelpp-web and add this user to group www-data, which is a group special for Nginx web server.

sudo adduser feelpp-web
sudo adduser feelpp-web sudo # this is optional, you can also use another sudoer user and install all necessary packages/npm/gems
sudo usermod -a -G www-data feelpp-web #Add a user to a group

We also need to change its default group from feelpp-web to www-data. To assign a primary group to an user:

$ usermod -g primarygroupname username

Then login with user feelpp-web. Clone Github repository webhooks into /home/feelpp-web/hooks/. And do a npm install in /home/feelpp-web/hooks/.

Transfer ownership of directory /var/www/ to user feelpp-web and give him full permissions.

sudo chown -R feelpp-web:www-data /var/www/
sudo chmod u+rwx /var/www/


config.json configurations

Note: the following texts after ## are explanations, they are not in the real json file(and we shouldn't do that).

    "gh_server": "",
    "temp": "/home/feelpp-web", ## where we pull repositories and generate static files. Don't use a `tmp/` because tmp/ will be cleared at every reboot.
    "doc_branch_master": "master", ## "Hard coded" variable, check if the received webhook from feelpp repo contains a commit on master branch
    "doc_branch_develop": "develop", ## check if the received webhook from feelpp repo contains a commit on develop branch
    "public_repo": true,
    "scripts": {
      "#default": {
        "build": "./scripts/jekyll/", ## build script for generic jekyll repo, only build website into /tmp/$repo/site
        "publish": "./scripts/", ## move website from /tmp/$repo/site into /var/www/$repo and push changes to gh-pages branch
        "buildDoc": "./scripts/feelpp-doxygen/", ## build docs for feelpp with cmake and doxygen, rsync generated files into /var/www/$branch (master or develop)
        "publishDoc": "./scripts/feelpp-doxygen/", ## not used
        "pullNews": "./scripts/news/", ## pull changes form news subtree, push them to cemosis, csmi and under _posts folder
        "publish_no_ghpages": "./scripts/jekyll/" ## build jekyll webiste and move generated files to /var/www/$repo
    "secret": "******",
    "email": {
        "isActivated": false,
        "user": "",
        "password": "",
        "host": "",
        "ssl": true
    "accounts": [

Github configurations for feelpp-web

Login with user feelpp-web.

setup git push.default

git config --global push.default simple

This can pervent git print useless info in log file.

setup git authentification to avoid account/passwd

git config --global "feelpp-robot"
git config --global "[email protected]"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"

Generate ssh key and copy it to github settings.

And when pull repository use something like: git clone ssh://[email protected]/cemosis/

Do not use https protocol.

Code snippet in jekyll-hook.js

/* giturl */
    params.push('ssh://git@' + config.gh_server + '/' + data.owner + '/' + data.repo + '.git');

To avoid authentification issues with git pull or git push commands, set ssh connection and don't use https protocol.

Install jekyll plugins

Before all, tell Rubygems not to install the documentation for each package locally

echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" > ~/.gemrc

Install gems for

sudo gem install jekyll-scholar

Put file jekyll-orcid.rb from jekyll-orcid repository into _plugins folder

Install the Faraday and Faraday middleware gems:

gem install faraday
gem install faraday_middleware

Install Nogoriki

sudo gem install nokogiri

If error occurres while executing gems that are already installed, do a sudo gem cleanup.

Set Up the Virtual Hosts

Open up the new virtual host file

sudo cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/

We need to make a couple of changes in these few lines: Remove ipv6only=on and default_server as they can only used once. We'll put them in /etc/nginx/sites-available/

server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;

        #root /usr/share/nginx/html/;
        root /var/www/; # use path recording to path where static files were generated
        index index.html index.htm;

        # Make site accessible from http://localhost/
        #server_name localhost;
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Follow the steps above for each webiste(,,,

Note: for, set `/var/www/`as root in Nginx's settings. The index page of should be generated into this folder by doxygen and webhooks will automatically build `master/` folder and `develop/` folder into it.

Then delete the default enabled website setting.

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

setup updstart service

sudo npm install -g upstarter
sudo upstarter
Upstart service name (jekyll-hook): webhook
Command(s) to run: (hit enter twice when done)
cd /home/feelpp-web/hooks
/home/feelpp-web/hooks/jekyll-hook.js >> /home/feelpp-web/log/webhook.log 2>&1

Upstart service description (A server that listens for GitHub webhook posts and renders a Jekyll site): 
Log output to /var/log/upstart? (y/n): y
System user to run under (root): feelpp-web
Set max file descriptors (1000000): 
Working directory for process (/home/feelpp-web/hooks): 
Respawn automatically? (y/n): y
 # webhook.conf

description "A server that listens for GitHub webhook posts and renders a Jekyll site"

start on started networking
stop on runlevel [016]

setuid feelpp-web

limit nofile 1000000 1000000

console log


  cd /home/feelpp-web/hooks
/home/feelpp-web/hooks/jekyll-hook.js >> /home/feelpp-web/log/webhook.log 2>&1
end script


about to write this to /etc/init/webhook.conf. is this ok? (y/n) y
wrote /etc/init/webhook.conf

Now open webhook.conf and do some tweaks:

# webhook.conf

description "A server that listens for GitHub webhooks and renders websites"

start on started networking
stop on runlevel [016]

setuid feelpp-web
setgid www-data

limit nofile 1000000 1000000

console log

  export HOME="/home/feelpp-web/"
  cd $HOME/hooks
  $HOME/hooks/jekyll-hook.js >> $HOME/log/webhook.log 2>&1
end script


Check log file firstly in /home/feelpp-web/log/webhook.log then in /var/log/upstart/webhook.log to ensure everything works.

Setup webhooks for websites and

In Github repository settings, go to Webhooks & services and click Add webhook button.

Payload URL:
Content type:
Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?
Just the `push` event.
- [x] Active and

Payload URL:
Content type:
Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?
Just the `push` event.
- [x] Active

Payload URL:
Content type:
Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?
Just the `push` event.
- [x] Active

Trouble shooting

Check webhook upstart service status:

status webhook

Start/stop/restart webhook service

sudo start webhook
sudo stop webhook
sudo restart webhook


sudo start webhook 
webhook start/running, process 2486

Serious errors crash the nodejs server

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn EACCES
    at errnoException (child_process.js:988:11)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:779:34)

The script have no permission to do something, this often occures when the script is trying to modify file/directory that feelpp-web doesn't have permission to write. Be careful if you are going to create new sh scripts, make sure that you give rwx permissions to scripts that you write.

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: listen EADDRINUSE

The port 8080 is already in use, make sure that no other programs are using that port and don't execute 2 instances of jekyll-hook.js at the same time.